LIMITED places available
apply to St Thomas'
We are a caring, nurturing Christian community where each person is offered the opportunity to fulfill their potential, in being happy, confident and thoughtful learners who flourish, academically, physically, socially, spiritually and creatively through a meaningful and challenging curriculum which supports all our children in pursuing excellence. They know, are prepared to take their place in and be contributing members of the modern world.
How to Apply'She skips in every day and skips out every day - she seems very happy.'
Stephanie (Parent), Y1'There is a strong focus on creativity and a range of opportunities to enhance this.'
Ofsted 2023'Pupils are excited to come to school and explore what they will learn next.'
Ofsted 2023'The teachers are great, they care for the children, they make an effort for the children. I think it is probably the best school in the area.'
Renett (Parent) Y2