Pupil Power

Class Ambassadors

Two children from each class are elected to represent their class as Class Ambassadors, they are voted for by their peers.

The Class Ambassadors are consulted by staff, governors and The Friends of St Thomas’ about the children's suggestions for events, the curriculum, fundraising and any other ideas for improving the school.

This year's Ambassadors are:

Rookery - Jacob & Aoife

Greyfriars - Sybil & Mila

Armoury - Sammy & Freddie

Castle - Ben & Betty

Mariteau - Opie & Iris

Class Captains

There are five classes, each with their own Year 6 Class Captain.

The Class Captains support school leaders in setting up Collective Worships, meetings in the school hall and representing the school at local events; for example Winchelsea Remembrance Day Service.

Rookery Class - Jake

Greyfriars Class - Harry M

Armoury Class - Jorgie

Castle Class - Elsie-Mae

Mariteau Class - Harry P