Lunches and Snacks
At St Thomas' we have an onsite school kitchen, so hot meals are served every day; the menu is a 3 week rolling menu. Children can choose on the day and can always bring a packed lunch if they prefer.
Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are entitled to universal free school meals.
Children in KS2 currently pay £2.85 per meal, this is done online and details are available from the school office.
We encourage healthy eating at school and therefore ask that children do not bring, for either breaktime snack or packed lunches;
- Sweets
- Chocolate
- Cereal bars (many are high in sugar/fat)
- Crisps
- Fizzy drinks
For breaktime snacks they may bring in;
- Raw vegetables
- Fruit
- Plain rice cakes
- Breadsticks
- Small pot of dried fruit
If your child has any diagnosed allergies/intolerances, please speak to the school office about arranging access to a school lunch.