RSHE at St Thomas'

At St Thomas C of E Aided Primary school, we believe that Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) enables children to be able to understand what good relationships are like and how to keep them; know how our bodies change and feel as we grow and marvel in the awe and wonder of the creation of new life and how to nurture emotional and physical health.

Our RSHE Subject Leader is Mrs Carol Gardiner.

RSHE policy

Online Safety policy

Friendship and Anti-Bullying policy

Drugs Education policy

jigsaw 3 - 11 RSHE overview map

St Thomas' RSHE Intent

Please click on the document to read our RSHE curriculum intent.

RSHE at St Thomas'.pdf

Progression in RSHE

Please click on the document to see how children progress in RSHE.

Progression in RSHE.pdf

Useful websites and knowledge organisers

Here you can find links to useful websites.BBC - PSHE

BBC - Safe in the Sun

Andy and the Odd Socks